Probit estimation regression

with Finney's method

This program, which performs probit analysis, was created using the R (2022) statistical program, according to the Finney (1952) method, using the ecotoxicology (Gama, 2015) library.

* Finney D. J., 1952. Probit analysis: a statistical treatment of the sigmoid response curve. Second Edition. pp 318. Cambridge University Press.
* Gama J., 2015. ecotoxicology: Methods for Ecotoxicology. R package version 1.0.1
* R Core Team, 2022. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

Program by uozyilmaz 2022, to Cite xxxx.

*It is the data of the example on page 238 of Finney's book and calculated values on this site are exactly the same as the data in this example.